Time is TBD
Astrology & Healing
Time & Location
Time is TBD
Auckland, 71 Marua Road, Ellerslie, Auckland 1051, New Zealand
About the event
Healing your Mars & Venus
The Lover & the Warrior
Co-hosted by Cara Elliott and Christine Broadbent
Whangamata, Coromandel. NZ
Cost: $575 per person. Includes accomodation for two nights and all workshops and yoga.
Cara will be offering her unique blend of life/soul coaching, energy healing, guided meditations, and breath-work to release old patterns and paradigms. www.caraelliotthealinghouse.com
Christine offers over 30 years of astrological counselling, writing and teaching. She loves guiding students to embody the gifts of their celestial birth patterns. www.astrologyspot.com.au
Retreat Includes:
A three day and two night retreat at the Palm Pacific Resort Whangamata www.palmpacificresort.com
✨ Swimming pool, spa, sauna, tennis court and walking distance to cafes, restaurants and the beach.
✨ Your own bedroom in a two bedroom apartment with full kitchen, lounge & bathroom.
Activities & Workshops:
✨ On Friday evening Venus reappears as Star of the Evening aligned with Moon. Our Opening Ceremony and personal intentions are carried by these Feminine Lights.
✨ A contemplative beach walk begins a hands-on session focused on integrating the contra-sexual energies Venus & Mars represent, better to embody their magic and healing.
✨ Personal Alchemy: Explore the splits and polarities of your own Venus/Mars dynamic, supported by Christine’s summary of these patterns. Together we explore shift-points, and practical techniques to integrate these energies. Each person recieves their own personal natal chart with a report from Christine.
✨ Everyone will have the opportunity to have a ‘Personalized one on one’ session with Christine or Cara
✨ A Yoga class available for all, designed specifically for our group.
✨ ‘Own time’ for resting, relaxing and reflecting & using resort facilities. Shopping & Cafes. Restorative beach walks and swims.
✨ Exploration of Oracle Cards, numerology and the I Ching Oracle as we journey further into your inner guide.
For registration and information;
Email: cara@healinghouse.co.nz