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Crystal Healing

Crystal healing is an alternative healing technique for strengthening the body and resolving imbalances, using various forms of natural crystals.  

Crystals and gemstones are considered to have their own sound, colour and harmonic signature.  By placing the crystals within the aura - your aura rebalances and realigns. 


An hour session will involve you lying and relaxing, fully clothed on a table.  Crystals are placed on your Chakras and around you. 

The crystals used often correspond to the colour of the chakras and their spiritual properties.  I lay my hands on these crystals that are located on your chakras, allowing them to warm and to work their Magick.


Different crystals have different properties that can focus particular forms of healing energy – just as light passing through a stained glass window changes colour, so healing energy is refined for specific chakras and your aura.  Carrying a crystal will also enhance your self-healing abilities and specific crystals may help you to overcome specific issues.

One session of crystal healing can be likened to ‘peeling layers of an onion’ and so therefore follow up sessions are usually recommended to fully support your healing journey. 

I use high quality crystals and gemstones that are undyed, not irradiated and have very few inclusions and cracks.  All the crystals are cleansed and cleared before being used for healing.


The Benefits of a Crystal Healing


  • Clearing and balancing your energy centres (Chakras)

  • Centering and grounding you

  • Clarity of mind

  • Feeling relaxed, calm and de-stressed

  • Energy boost

  • An opportunity to heal on all levels – Mind & Body, Heart & Soul

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Why Crystal Healing Works

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Crystals and gemstones have been used for thousands of years as powerful healing aids.  We may not always be conscious of it, but ‘Crystal Therapy’ is part of our everyday life.


We use the power of crystals in the form of rock salt to season our food.  Many people wear precious & semi-precious stones and different minerals, not only as jewellery but for their healing benefit as well.  Clear quartz crystals are used in watches and silicon chips in computers.


Crystal healing is a powerful, yet gentle therapy that works on all levels of the body, mind and spirit. Crystals have the potential to help all of us in a specialized way. You'll discover how they can draw in and radiate healing energy specific to you and your journey of healing.


The aura is an energy field- it's part of our life force.  It takes two forms - the cosmic vibratory energy that is omnipresent in the universe, structuring and sustaining all things, and the specific aura that sustains ‘every-body’.


Crystals work through the transmission of energy and the adjustment of subtle vibrations.


It is believed that crystals influence the subtle body - the energy body that caries our life force.  This life force (also known as Prana or Chi), is particularly focused at energy centres called Chakras. 


By placing crystals on these Chakra areas the healing effect is amplified. There is an expansion and contraction that occurs as the spin rate of our chakra's increase and interface with this healing energy. 


They cleanse and energize the Chakras and thereby bringing you greater health and sense of well-being. 


The method of crystal healing employed by Cara is “Laying-on-of-Hands and Laying-on-of-Stones”. 

This method is called the ‘Melody’ method.  Melody herself, a scientist, is recognised as the world authority on crystals and crystology. 


All the metaphysical information she has researched, has produced the stated result at least three times in a controlled environment.

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