Module 1 – The History and Philosophy of Crystal Healing
2.3 A Movie about Crystals and Gemstones​
Module 3 – Crystal Healing
3.1 What is Crystal Healing?
Principles of Healing
How does Crystal Healing work?
How crystals work in the Healing process?
​3.2 Learn how to:
Store your crystals
Learning Activity -Choosing Crystals​​
3.3 What crystals do you need to begin.
3.4 Resources
A guide to using crystals (https://www.caraelliotthealinghouse.com/crystals)
Module 4 – Chakras & Crystals
4.1 An introduction to Chakras
What is a Chakra?
Location of Chakras
The Seven Major Chakras
The Earth Star Chakra
Learning Activity - Locating your Chakras and earth star Chakra
Chakra Descriptions
4.2 Auras - Our Human Energy Fields
What is the Aura?
Why is Aura cleansing important?
How to cleanse your Aura
Learning Activity – Seeing Auras
Video tutorial - how to cleanse your Aura
4.3 Using Crystals to balance your Chakras
Learning Activity – Balancing your Chakras
Module 5 - Crystal Healing Video Demonstration.
5.1 Grounding
5.2 Video Tutorial
How to complete a crystal healing on the chakras.
Different healing layouts and techniques
5.3 Ten Steps to your own crystal healing
Learning Activity - Your own Crystal Healing
Module 6 - More about Crystals
6.1 Crystals in the Home
6.2 A guide to the most commonly used Crystals and their Healing properties.
6.3 Birthstones & Crystals
6.4 Rose Quartz Guided Mediation
Meditation Information
Audio Tutorial - Rose Quartz Meditation
Bonus Section – All Downloadable
#1 - Is my crystal real or fake?
#2 – Crystal Directory - ebook
#3 - Suggested Reading for further Education at Home.